Volunteer with the Learning Dharma Skills Program

The Learning Dharma Skills Program was created to facilitate the compassionate vision of international sangha and friends, both to preserve Padma Samye Ling (PSL) as a center of study and practice, and to reflect their devotion to the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches’ mandala and lineage.
Palden Padma Samye Ling is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist retreat center devoted to Dharma service, meditation, and community living. This beautiful mandala sits at 2,000 feet on 500 acres of pristine countryside. It reflects the glorious vision of our spiritual directors, Venerable Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, to establish a living community that fosters world peace.
Program participants are invited to join in all retreats and teaching programs at PSL, partake in annual language courses, enjoy our beautiful temple with traditional Tibetan architecture and mural paintings, study in the Shantarakshita library, and delight in the breathtaking views and scenic trails of our flourishing retreat environment.

Areas of Activities Include:
Temple Caretaking
Nutritious Vegetarian Cooking
Administration & Retail
Building Maintenance
Vegetable & Flower Gardening
Creative Construction Projects
Multimedia & Library Sciences
Fine Arts
Seasonal Sessions
The Learning Dharma Skills Program is seasonal, and your involvement would be most welcome during these periods:
Summer (June-Aug)
Autumn (Sept-Nov)
Winter (Dec-Feb)
Spring (Mar-May)
Participants are encouraged to volunteer for any length of time.

How to Apply
You can apply for the Learning Dharma Skills Program by submitting the application below. You may also call (607) 865-8068 to request an application by mail.