Padma Samye Chokhor Ling Monastery Project
Padma Samye Chokhor Ling is situated in the holy city of Sarnath, Varanasi, India, where Buddha gave his first teaching on the Four Arya Truths. Due to the significance of the site, the land for the monastery was purchased in 1972 according to the inspiration and blessings of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. Construction of the monastery was begun in 1990 and officially inaugurated in 1995.
A traditional monastery and retreat center, it was for many years home to monks from Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. It is now the hope of Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche that it become a pilgrimage site for study and meditation for students and friends of the Dharma from around the world.

Sign leading to the monastery

Main building at Padma Samye Chokhor Ling Monastery
The campus of Padma Samye Chokhor Ling Monastery