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Reincarnation of
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche

"In general, in Tibetan Buddhism the enthronement of a yangsi, or reincarnation is very, very important because it reactivates, re-glorifies, and empowers the reincarnation, and acknowledges that the yangsi will keep the legacy and vision of their previous incarnation. At the same time, it deeply honors the vision and activities of their previous incarnation, and requests the yangsi to continue to carry that same legacy. This is why an official enthronement ceremony is very important. . . . . In Tibetan Buddhism, when we do an enthronement ceremony we’re really hoping, wishing, and praying that the yangsi reincarnation will carry on these responsibilities without any obstacles or hindrances, and that he will experience a lot of fulfillment and even expand the activities of the previous master."


Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

April 2019 Interview at PSL

Download the entire interview here

Yangsi Rinpoche 11 years old 12_17_24.jpg

Palden Yonten Thaye Lodro Chokyi Gyaltsen

"My wish and plan is that Yangsi Rinpoche gets a very good education. Of course we all share this wish. In particular, I hope that he learns Buddhism as his foundational education, along with additional subjects like English and other languages, as well as science and other modern studies. But the foundation is that he will have a very good, strong education in Buddhism and go through full training and study in a monastery as a young novice monk, which includes studying, contemplating, and memorizing, as well as learning rituals and making mandalas.

Watch the Special 2016 Announcement about the Reincarnation of Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche

He should learn Vinaya practices and teachings, Mahayana practices and teachings, as well as Vajrayana practices and teachings, including all the different kinds of ceremonies and ritual elements. I really want him to do this very much and am praying for that, so that he will become one of the very beautiful and authentic lineage holders of Buddhism in general, and the Nyingma school in particular, just as Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche was."


Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche


HE Namkha Drimed Rinpoche on Discovering the Reincarnation of Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche

"For a long time I was thinking and discussing with friends about how to determine who would recognize the reincarnation of Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche. Finally, we asked a lama in Tibet to do a mirror reading divination. We listed quite a few lamas who are great masters in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, and it turned out that all of our good intentions, thoughts, and plans came together in a single point in the mirror divination: to ask Namkha Drimed Rinpoche to help recognize the yangsi. According to how the clear indications arose in the mirror divination, we asked Namkha Drimed Rinpoche and he very happily accepted our request without any kind of discussion or hesitation. He openly said, “Yes, I will do this.”


Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

Enthronement in Sarnath, India

HE Namkha Drimed Rinpoche presiding over enthronement ceremony

HE Namkha Drimed Rinpoche presiding over enthronement ceremony

Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche at enthronement ceremony

Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche at enthronement ceremony

The tutor of Yangsi Rinpoche at the enthronement ceremony

The tutor of Yangsi Rinpoche at the enthronement ceremony

The young Yangsi Rinpoche at enthronement ceremony

The young Yangsi Rinpoche at enthronement ceremony

HE Namkha Drimed Rinpoche Enthrones the Reincarnation of Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche

Visits with the Yangsi in Sarnath, India, 2023

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Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Rinpoche teaching the Yangsi and all the monks in Sarnath, India, 2023

Long Life Prayer for Palden Yonten Thaye Lodro Chokyi Gyaltsen

Long Life Prayer for Yangsi Rinpoche.jpg
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