It's 15% off for 1 week, just because.
(Feb 4 - 11, 2025)
Vajra Sound of Peace: Practicing the Seven Chapter Prayer of Guru Padmasambhava
Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches
This was Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche's final extensive teaching before entering mahaparinirvana in 2010.
One Month of Dzogchen teachings on Guru Padmasambhava with pithy practice instructions by Khedrub Karma Chagme.
Learn the history of Guru Rinpoche.
How Guru Rinpoche is the entire universe.
How the entire universe is contained with Guru Rinpoche.
That Guru Rinpoche is all Eight Herukas, all Three Kaya Buddhas, and the perfect remedy to cure disease, wars, bandits, remove all obstacles, and quickly achieve enlightenment.
Guru Rinpoche is the sole embodiment of all buddhas.
Coupon code: GURU
Happy studies and practice!